Nestor M. Fantini, M.A., Ph.D. (ABD), is an Argentine-American journalist, educator, and human rights activist based in California. Since 2018, Fantini has been co-editor of the online magazine Between 2005 and 2015 he was the main coordinator of the Peña Literaria La Luciérnaga. He is the author of ´De mi abuela, soldados y Arminda´ (2015), his stories appear in ´Mirando hacia el sur´ (1997) and he is co-editor of the ´Antología de La Luciérnaga´ (2010). He is currently an adjunct professor of sociology at Rio Hondo College, Whittier, and at AMDA College of the Performing Arts, Hollywood, California. As a refugee and former political prisoner who was adopted as a Prisoner of Conscience by Amnesty International, Fantini has dedicated his life to promoting the memory of the victims of state terrorism of the Argentine civil-military dictatorship of the 1970s and is currently coordinator of Amnesty International San Fernando Valley. Fantini graduated from Woodsworth College and the University of Toronto. - - - Néstor M. Fantini , M.A., Ph.D. (ABD), es un periodista, educador y activista de derechos humanos argentino-estadounidense que reside en California. Desde 2018, Fantini es coeditor de la revista online Entre 2005 y 2015 fue el coordinador principal de la Peña Literaria La Luciérnaga. Es autor de De mi abuela, soldados y Arminda (2015), sus cuentos aparecen en Mirando hacia el sur (1997) y es coeditor de la Antología de La Luciérnaga (2010). Actualmente es profesor adjunto de la cátedra de Introduction to Criminology, en Rio Hondo College, Whittier, California, y de The Sociological Perspective, en AMDA College of the Performing Arts, Hollywood, California. Como refugiado y ex prisionero político que fuera adoptado como Prisionero de Conciencia por Amnistía Internacional, Fantini ha dedicado su vida a promover la memoria de las víctimas del terrorismo de estado de la dictadura cívico-militar argentina de la década de 1970 y actualmente es coordinador de Amnesty International San Fernando Valley. Fantini se graduó de Woodsworth College y de la Universidad de Toronto.
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